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How ActiveFloor Propels Learning

What is the ActiveFloor?

Educators may not typically think of their classroom floor as an optimal learning surface, but with ActiveFloor, it can become that and so much more. Here’s what the system consists of:

An interactive projector 

An interactive projector drives the ActiveFloor system, producing an image on the floor that students can interact with. The projector is housed inside an unobtrusive box that is mounted in the ceiling and well out of reach. Alternatively, the projector may be built into a mobile cart that can be wheeled from room to room.

An onboard computer

An onboard PC allows users to access a variety of learning games and activities and run them through the interactive projector.

A set of onboard speakers

The ActiveFloor box also includes a set of speakers that produce quality audio, making for a multisensory experience.

A tracking camera

While the ActiveFloor is in operation, a camera mounted in the box tracks students and ensures the device can respond to movements and gestures.

A large vinyl floor

The ActiveFloor also comes with a white vinyl floor that provides an ideal surface for the projector. The result is a bright, vivid image that can be easily seen, even in brighter rooms. The standard floor size is 4x3, but larger surfaces are available with some models.

A library of learning software

This interactive education tool comes with more than 30 learning games and activities, designed to get students out of their chairs and moving around. In addition to included software, educators can develop their own learning games and quizzes from easy-to-use templates. Together, these six components give students and teachers a new way to deliver and engage in lesson content.

How does the ActiveFloor propel learning?

The ActiveFloor is different than most other forms of lesson delivery. Where a typical lesson consists of lecture and some visual aids, the ActiveFloor gets the students’ bodies involved in the learning. There are multiple reasons why this approach is an effective one for students and their teachers. For example:

1. The ActiveFloor emphasizes multisensory learning -

Study after study shows that children learn better when they are given a chance to move around. One study, published in Pediatrics, studied 500 elementary school children in the Netherlands. The children were split into two groups and one group was allowed to exercise and given physical movements to pair with their lessons. After two years, the children’s academic progress was reviewed and researchers found that the exercise group was several months ahead of the non-exercise group in mathematical performance.Multisensory learning is generally accepted by educators to be a superior approach to lesson delivery, compared to traditional stand-and-deliver lecturing. The ActiveFloor makes it simple and fun for teachers to bring movement into their lessons, along with all the benefits movement brings to academic performance.

2. The ActiveFloor improves engagement among bored students -

There’s no getting around it, a lot of students think school is boring. A national survey of more than 400,000 middle and high school students found that half of them were bored most of the time in school.It’s possible that reducing desk time could help many of these bored students connect with their lessons in a different way—a way that interests them more than just sitting at a desk and listening to a lecture. The ActiveFloor is one such tool that could help provide variety in the classroom.

3. The ActiveFloor can drive social learning and collaboration, too -

Whether students are assigned a desk or not, they tend to sit in the same spot every day for the entire school year. This limits their ability to interact with other students and improve as effective communicators and collaborators.The ActiveFloor gets students moving and provides opportunities for them to work together in solving problems, answering questions, and accomplishing objectives. Students that may struggle to interact while seated at their desks may find it easier to do so while engaged in an interactive quiz or game.

4. The ActiveFloor makes lesson creation simple for teachers -

A lot is expected out of modern educators, so it’s difficult to find time for effective lesson creation. With the ActiveFloor, though, teachers can put together a fun, effective lesson in minutes, freeing up time to concentrate on other essential classroom tasks.

Which ActiveFloor model is the right choice for my school?

The ActiveFloor is available in several models, so there’s a fit for every room, no matter its size or layout. Here’s a quick look at the options:

ActiveFloor ONE

The ActiveFloor ONE is the smallest model available, which makes it ideal for smaller spaces, like those found in kindergarten classrooms and preschool. The reduced floor size makes it easier for the smallest movers to keep up with the action.

ActiveFloor PRO2

The ActiveFloor PRO2 is the standard option for most classrooms, as it comes with a larger floor and projector than the ONE.

ActiveFloor MAX

The ActiveFloor MAX is the largest model that’s intended for classroom use. Its onboard projector is also brighter than the ONE and PRO2, which means the MAX is also recommended for rooms that are brightly illuminated.

ActiveFloor Mobile

The ActiveFloor Mobile is built into a mobile cart that can be moved from space to space, bringing the fun wherever it’s needed. It comes with the same interactive projector and same learning software as the other ActiveFloor models.

ActiveFloor GIGA

The ActiveFloor GIGA is designed for gymnasiums and comes with a floor that’s 16 times larger than the PRO2. It runs on the same technology, but the projector and camera are configured for a larger space.

ActiveFloor SPORTsWall

A new addition to the ActiveFloor family, the SPORTsWall casts an interactive image on the wall instead of the floor. A completely new way to experience ActiveFloor, the SPORTsWall can be interacted with using thrown balls and additional gestures. The ActiveFloor is an engaging way for students to learn and an engaging way for educators to teach. With several models and dozens of applications to choose from, there’s room for every class to interact with the ActiveFloor.