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5 Advantages Of Using Digital Signage For Business Signs

How has digital technology made business signs more successful?

Digital technology has supercharged business signs, as they are more engaging, more memorable and more cost-effective. According to the Small Business Association (SBA), it only costs 15 cents to get an ad in front of 1,000 people when using an LED sign. Newspapers ($7.39 per 1,000 people) and radio ($5.00 per 1,000 people) cost much more, and those mediums don’t have the advantage of compelling imagery to help the advertisement.A study in Sweden also illustrates the power of digital signage. According to the study, people were more attracted to digital signs and looked at them longer than other forms of signage. The study’s respondents were also able to recall the specific ad on the digital billboard they passed more than half the time. Those are major advantages in digital signage’s favor, but they aren’t the only ones.

For example:

Digital signage is fast

Digital billboards and signage possess an unbeatable speed advantage over print ads. Digital layouts can be pieced together quickly using intuitive signage software, sent to displays with a few commands and edited instantly if needed. With print, it can take weeks to get advertisements up.This speed advantage is valuable for companies because it allows businesses to create more advertisements in less time. If a particular advertising angle isn’t working, then it can be switched out in moments instead of days, allowing companies to have tighter control over their messaging.

Digital signage is versatile

The instant nature of digital signage means it can be used to deliver timed advertisements. For example, if one of the city’s pro sports teams makes it to the playoffs, companies can tailor their advertising and present it on digital billboards within moments. This allows companies to reinforce their brand when it’s most advantageous to do so.Another more common example is to have different layouts ready for different times of the day. For instance, a restaurant can have unique advertising ready to go for breakfast, lunch and dinner. During rush hour, hotel and resort companies might urge motorists to consider a vacation. When the temperatures start rising, an HVAC company could use a digital billboard to remind people to get their A/C checked. If there is a festival or holiday event approaching, advertisers can launch themed campaigns to get their brand some extra notice. The possibilities truly are endless, and digital signage is only limited by the user’s creativity in this regard.

Digital signage is controllable

Companies operating digital business signs can do so with ease. Backend signage software allows users to monitor an entire network of displays at a glance. Displays can be grouped together for easier management, so updates can be pushed over to every display at once, or only a few at a time. On the backend, users can power displays on and off, lock them for security purposes and see what they are running. Some signage software can also be used to send messages to displays, turning a signage network into an emergency messaging system instantly.Since digital signage can be controlled easily, it also scales up easily. Additional displays and billboards can be added to the backend and integrated into an existing network seamlessly, so it can be accessed and utilized right away.

Digital signage can be used almost anywhere

Digital billboards and signage can be designed to handle the elements, so they are equally effective inside or out. In the past, digital displays had trouble competing with exterior light sources – particularly the sun. However, new LED displays can produce intensely vivid imagery that is bright enough to attract attention, even on a sunny day.Digital signage can be protected by dust and waterproof enclosures as well, and there are many that are IP65, IP66 and IP67 rated.Inside, digital business signs can serve as the focal point in a space, especially if they are integrated into a larger video wall. Video walls can be built to any size and with no bezel displays, so nothing interferes with the message being presented. Some video wall technologies can be shaped into curves, too, which allows for some intricate designs.

Digital business signs are easy to set up

Digital signage is an AV solution that every experienced AV integrator is familiar with. As most businesses could benefit from a digital signage network, integrators spend much of their time installing, configuring and supporting signage displays.With AV integrators having so much experience with digital displays, they can provide creative insight into how those business signs could be used to greater effect. AV integrators know where to position displays for maximum impact, how to angle them for perfect visibility and what to do about concerns like glare and vandalism. This added insight will ensure organizations get maximum value from their new signage network.

With the rise of digital signage technology, business signs are more effective than ever. A network of digital businesses signs helps organizations better control their messaging and target consumers with greater precision.


"Why are digital business signs better than print signs?"

Digital signage offers several advantages over print signage as there are no printing costs, no delay between design and implementation, and digital signs are far more engaging and memorable.

"How is digital signage managed?"

Digital signage is managed with special software that’s usually packaged with the signage. Most forms of the software allow users to quickly create and edit layouts, as well as program them for preset dates and times. Digital signage software also allows users to group their displays together for easier management and monitor those displays for security and data gathering reasons.