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How Are Electronic Billboards Beneficial For Businesses

Electronic billboards are just one example of how video is increasingly replacing the static image. We don’t have to look any further than our Smartphones and our Apps to understand this advertising concept. Video enables the ability to share dynamic visual content, which makes for exceptionally effective marketing. Electronic billboards allow for 3 exceptional benefits:
  • Dynamic Content
  • A much faster production process
  • The ability to share content across geographies with much more ease


Electronic Billboards are technologically enabled, and the possibilities grow every day with what is possible. The benefits are endless and growing at an exponential rate.
  • Static ad rotations; this is when an ad rotates every few seconds.
  • Digital (Electronic) Billboards come in all shapes and sizes and can be located just about anywhere, from major streets, major ‘arteries,’ interstates and state highways.
  • Once your creative product is completed, you can change or update your message with a simple mouse click.
  • If you have passionate consumers and customers, you can follow their ‘flow’ on your social media sites and keep relevant content up to date with the click of a button.
  • You can even post their comments and content in real time.
  • With a Wi-Fi enabled connection, you can even stream live data in real time.
  • And, within minutes, you can display a new or updated ad.
Electronic billboards share in bits, bytes and seconds rather than days. It’s always active and it’s always moving. Static is the new boring. It’s now a dynamic world of communication. The only constant is change. An electronic billboard has and will continue to replace print.


One electronic billboard can now represent three static billboards. Video can now be projected from a variety of spaces. Rooftops, sides of buildings, tops of buildings and waiting rooms are all prime real-estate for video billboards. You don’t have to go farther than your favorite neighborhood fast food restaurant to see this change and impact in technology. LED’s have replaced and continue to replace printed billboards. This is content that is instantly changed and updated within seconds based on new content that needs to be uploaded. Sharable? We now live in a global society. The internet, technology and hardware now gives us the ability to share information and content on a global basis. If you are ‘plugged in,’ you can upload content from across the planet. No more need to find a printing facility in every location. About 30 years ago, concerts were just music. However, they are now much more. Music (CONTENT) has to come with a visual dynamic. Maybe a stretch, but probably not too far off. Think about the symphony, if you have been to one. What if that had a video wall behind it? Apple and iTunes invented the visualizer, with an HDMI cable you can actually plug in to your television, producing a dynamic visual image that moves to the beat of the music. That is today’s new level of communication; a heartbeat. Imagine how much more newer generations would be attracted to the symphony if there was a visual heartbeat. Imagine homework if you could communicate across the world. Imagine billboards that feel your finger’s touch and allow you to circle or edit something on a screen. It sounds like something from Star Wars, but it’s already here. The technology and the hardware exists. Companies across the globe are now upping their internal and external communications game by getting into this technology. Would you rather look at a single photo of your daughter or see a video of her dancing, laughing and having fun?


From a layman to a purchasing department to a supply chain supplier to every point in between. Many folks want to differentiate between B2C (Business to Consumer) and B2B (Business to Business). At the end of the day, they are both the same. A consumer is anyone who purchases (consumes) what you are selling. Just a small example on the B2C side: Imagine you have a new retail store opening in 30-days. You can do a digital countdown with hours, minutes and seconds until the grand opening. It allows you to create a real-time call to action.


Electronic Billboards, also known as Digital Billboards are growing in popularity and are quickly replacing the printed, static, status quo. Those in the know…know. If you don’t know, it’s worth checking in to.


Yes, you can still use upload and share static images, however, electronic billboards enable you to do a lot more. You will need to think a little bit differently if you want to go the video route. However, it’s not that difficult. Think of it as a 15 or 30-second television ad. It’s a little more complex, but with today’s technology it has become monumentally simpler to develop and edit content, even within the same day. It can even be done from a number of cellphones. Speak with your A/V integrator for the ideal video editing software and tips on how to use it effectively.


The oldest millennials are now 34. They run the gamut across industries, from big business, small business, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, and all of them are consumers. Increasingly, millennials are integrating into the workforce, growing in age and making influential purchasing decisions. As consumers, they are growing in purchasing power. Give your message some punch and reach your target market effectively. With the advent and usage of platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, content is already more dynamic in the way millennials share information. Digital (electronic) billboards allow your marketing messages to be shared in the same dynamic way.


From increases in productivity, effectiveness in communication, and efficiencies in sharing content, electronic billboards are the wave of the present and the future. Contact an experienced, cutting-edge A/V integrator to explore the possibilities of truly effective marketing.